The One Thing That Will Change the Way You Grow Your Business Forever!

“…how do I find more qualified leads and prospects for my business?”

Have you ever wanted to grow your audience reach, impact, and income without all the tech overwhelm or spending all day online? 

If so, this episode of Sticky Note Marketing is for you! 

One of the biggest questions I get from my students and clients is “Hey Mary, how do I find more qualified leads and prospects for my business?” or “Mary, I feel like I’m spending so much time trying to find my audience and not getting anywhere, what can I do to connect with more people that want what I have to offer?” 

✨Here’s the thing, nobody dreams of creating endless sales funnels, social media posts, or webinars!✨

But so many business owners find themselves drowning in the logistics of trying to make an impact and income… What if you could reconnect with that big dream that inspired your business in the first place? 

I know it may seem like a crazy idea if you’ve never used stages or speaking to grow your business before, but years ago I was in your shoes, wondering if I could do it. Now, months later, I’ve been on online, local, regional, and national stages…over 27 stages just this year!

So today I’m sharing with you how this one method, stages, can change the way you grow your business forever and I’m revealing the three essential keys you need to make this strategy successful for your business. No matter what niche, market, or industry you’re in!


Scrap Everything Weighing You Down


The Power of Listening and Becoming Irresistible to Your Ideal Audience