Sticky Note Marketing Guest - Jennifer Buchholz

“How to Amp-up Collaboration and Achieve Success Across Every Aspect of Business and Work…”

Another week, another Special Guest Expert for our Sticky Note Marketing Episode!

For this week, we have the best-selling author, entrepreneur, coach, and engaging geek - Jennifer Buchholz. 

She has worked in higher education, training, and development for over 20 years. ✨

When she realized that traditional methods weren’t helping her students thrive—she founded Excel & Flourish. Based in Milwaukee, Excel & Flourish helps organizations and teams improve productivity and reduce frustration with Microsoft products through fun technical skills training. 

The result? Amped-up collaboration and better success across every aspect of their business and work. 💭

If you want to learn more about her work, make sure to catch the episode on Thursday! 

Connect with her on LinkedIn or visit her website.

So jump over and listen to the episode now or watch the full interview on YouTube.


Sticky Note Marketing Guest - Heather Greco


Sticky Note Marketing Guest - Nancy Giere