Sticky Note Marketing Guest - Heather Greco

“How to Simplify Systems in Your Home and Business…”

Are there times when it’s hard to find balance between work and your role as a parent to your children?🤔

If your answer is yes, then this episode is for you!

For this week’s episode of Sticky Note Marketing, my guest expert is ✨Heather Greco✨ - creator of the Chaos Control System!

Heather is a full-time Productivity Coach and also a busy mom of three. As the founder of Chaos N’ Cookies, she helps to keep moms from crumbling. 

After 10+ years of experience as a Director of Marketing building multiple 6 & 7-figure businesses, she created the Chaos Control System to equip moms to overcome their own objections so they can live the life they want while also running a business that fulfills them.

And she’s not holding back her secrets in this interview… Heather dropped several amazing shortcuts, including one to solve a perennial problem in my home… getting my boys dressed and ready for school with no fuss, arguments or mad dash around the house looking for socks! 

Heather’s helped hundreds of women become more productive and self-sufficient in their homes and businesses allowing them to reclaim control of the chaos. Will you be the next? 

Jump over and listen to the episode now or watch the full interview on YouTube.

CONNECT WITH HEATHER HERE or learn more about Chaos N’ Cookies here.


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