How to Avoid Overwhelm and Take Action on Marketing Your Business?

“Where do I start? How do I find more of the people that want what I have to offer?”

Have you ever felt totally overwhelmed by a massive marketing “to-do” list or wanted to grow your audience reach, impact, and sales without all the tech drama or spending all day online? 

If you’re nodding right now, then this episode of Sticky Note Marketing is for you!

Some of the most common questions I get from my students and clients are:

“Where do I start? How do I find more of the people that want what I have to offer?”

“I feel like I’m spending so much time trying to find my audience and not getting anywhere, what can I do to connect with more prospects and leads?”

Here’s the thing, nobody grows up saying, “Forget being an astronaut or firefighter - I want to spend 12 hour days creating endless sales funnels, social media posts, and webinars!”

But yet, too many business owners find themselves drowning in a never-ending to-do list.

So let’s put a stop to that!

I’m sharing with you how one change in your marketing approach can quickly create massive results no matter what niche, market, or industry you’re in!


Sticky Note Marketing Guest - Mark Willis


Sticky Note Marketing Guest - Steve Wiideman